The trip involved a 4 am train for 9 hours, then a 3 hour boat ride up the river. It was a long day, but a really nice trip. The train goes straight through the middle of the jungle, so it's a feat of engineering. The boat ride is peaceful (if not a little long for the butt) however, it's calm and nice to just sit back and relax and watch the jungle pass you by. Once you arrive at the park, there is a little town across the river, and you find a overpriced, hot box to share with 7 other people and one fan to attempt to blow around the hot air at night...

The park itself was really nice, however due to my ability to hurt/injure/endanger myself to stunning proportions I was forced to only do a day trip, instead of the two day overnight in a hut trip I had planned...

I woke up early and had a little breakfast before taking the boat taxi across the river and paying my entrance, camera fee, and hut bunk for the night. I had two big bottles of water and snacks to keep me going. I first wanted to check out the canopy walk, and was told to get there early, so I was on the train by 10 am. early meant 8 am. it opened at 9. I was behind hundreds of Chinese tourists, loudly walking, laughing, yelling and talking. It wasn't peaceful at all. Then when you get to the walk, it's a 3+ hour wait. Abort. I took off on my 6 hour hike to the 'Hide" where I'd be staying the night, listening to the jungle. However. 2 Hours into it, and a long, sweaty two hours it was, I took a break to grab some water and maybe a snack.

I immediately felt some things fly into my head, and I smacked them off. then i felt things land on me, and pain shoot down my arms and back. Something was attacking me, and I couldn't tell what it was. I think it was bee-like things, but I found no stingers on me, just marks, unless these were highly adaptive bees that kill people. I think they were. I ran for my life (remember I was stopping because I was horribly tired and halfway up a huge incline...)
In the process of running, i dropped my water down the mountain and into the lost abyss of the jungle. Now, I had a whole other bottle of water, but the amount I was sweating quickly took its toll on me, and that water went fast. Sweating. I sweat, I get it. I know it. But here, my legs were pouring out sweat and when i took big steps, it beaded through my pants. I was soaking wet. With sweat. It was like hiking in a sauna. My other water ran out, and I didn't want to eat snack as Id get too thirsty. This created a dilemma. About 4 hours into the hike I was exhausted, tired, and getting ridiculously fed up with how hard the hike was turning out to be. Lots of ups and downs as it followed the river. And not little ups and downs, but 'hold onto the ropes and roots of trees vertical' ups and downs...
I was walking, feeling dizzy and knew I needed to get out of the jungle, or at least find someone with water. However I only passed one group of 3 hikers on the way, and early on, so I was fine. I was giving up hope when I heard some noise through the jungle in the direction of the river. I found the closest little watershed creek and walked straight through the jungle towards the noise. I walked out on to a little beach with a tree hanging over rocks for a jumping spot. There were two people on a little romantic getaway, and I came out of nowhere (no path or even remotely path-looking) and asked for water and a ride home. They helped and it all worked out.
I found out I was only 20 min or so from the place I planned to get a boat back, but for hours had seen no one, no boats, no access to the river, and had no idea how much longer I had to trek. Little to say I was defeated by the trek and went back home. Luckily the hostel I had had no water, and I sat in my own filth for a couple hours before teaming up with some girls to get a better room with running water. I took the bus early the next morning the hell out of that devil park and back to KL... stupid jungle.
In KL I spent another couple days just hanging out, not really doing anything. I met up with my friends again (Gabriel, the couch surfer who stayed with me, and I stayed with him in KL) and we went bowling, and he had a potluck another night with some amazing dishes. Never thought I'd like being in a city so much... but after sweat fest death hike '09, it was nice...
I LOVE reading about your travels and SWEAT! Did you say that you were hot and perspired? Wasn't quite sure!
I miss you! Take good care of yourself! Dominic says hi Uncle Rob!
Luv, Mom
Hi Rob,
Great updates! When can we set up a Skype session so that you can see Dom?? Have fun traveling - what fun!
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